Energy Efficiency: Enabling, accelerating and lowering the costs of the EU electrification
To achieve climate neutrality, the EU energy system must be progressively electrified. While it is widely accepted that electrification increases energy efficiency, the role of energy efficiency in accelerating and lowering the costs of...
Coalition for Energy Savings – smartEn Joint Statement: Energy Efficiency and Demand-side flexibility: united to make climate neutrality more affordable
The Coalition for Energy Savings and smartEn, the two European organisations promoting energy efficiency and demand-side flexibility respectively, come together to stress the essential role of energy efficiency and flexible demand to accelerate a...
Empowering the Energy Efficiency Industrial Ecosystem to Deliver on Net-Zero
The European Union (EU) is at the forefront of energy efficiency, leading the way in setting ambitious regulations such as the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Similarly, the EU is a leader in...
Coalition priorities for the next EU institutions: Energy Savings, the foundation of a clean, affordable and secure EU.
The last years have shown that to mitigate climate change, improve EU energy independence and make the transition more socially inclusive and affordable for citizens, businesses and cooperatives, saving energy must be accelerated and prioritised....
EPBD recast: Grasping the full energy savings potential of Europe’s buildings
Following the publication of the Commission’s proposal to recast the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the Coalition for Energy Savings published a position paper outlining its views on how to provide an ambitious revision of the EPBD to...
EED recast: Saving energy, reducing bills, lowering emissions
The recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is the opportunity to put in place a robust enabling regulatory framework to speed the delivery of energy savings and unlock their multiple benefits by giving predictability to investors and...